Business booster club


How to take your business to the next level – without any complicated techniques.

What is the business booster club?

The BUSINESS BOOSTER club is the fastest and most cost-efficient mastermind collective for entrepreneurs and freelancers on the market.

A mastermind collective provides a profitable network for entrepreneurs of a wide variety of industries. It is also the fastest way to reach the next level of success.

The BUSINESS BOOSTER club includes a two-week live training during which a variety of issues will be discussed. Topics include: building the foundation for a thriving business, developing a mindset of success, brand development, brand awareness, audience targeting, success habits, product development, sales and closing, marketing, scaling, automatization and so much more.

The BUSINESS BOOSTER collective offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to work with like-minded people to improve their reach and network, make more money, gain more freedom and achieve the life they’ve always dreamed of.

Normally, a mastermind session with me costs 25.000 euros a year. This price is justified, given that I only work with a small group of up to 10 participants.

Especially now, when many companies are facing existence-threatening difficulties, I wanted to find the perfect solution that helps (almost) all entrepreneurs immediately. My goal is to achieve the best possible results for my clients and not  simply sell a product that no one needs.

BUSINESS BOOSTER ist die am schnellsten zum Erfolg führende und dabei kostengünstigste Mastermind-Gruppe für Unternehmer und Selbstständige.

Eine Mastermind-Gruppe bietet ein gewinnbringendes Netzwerk für Unternehmer verschiedenster Branchen und ist gleichzeitig der schnellste Weg, Deine nächste Erfolgsstufe zu erreichen…

BUSINESS BOOSTER beinhaltet ein zweiwöchiges Live-Training, bei dem alles besprochen wird, was die Gruppe gerade am dringendsten braucht, um weiter zu kommen. Themen sind u.A.: Aufbau und Grundlage eines erfolgreiches Geschäfts, Erfolgs-Mindset, Brandentwicklung, Markenbekanntheit, Zielgruppen-Targeting, Erfolgsgewohnheiten, Produktentwicklung, Verkauf und Abschluss, Marketing, Skalierung, Automatisierung und so vieles mehr…

Die BUSINESS BOOSTER Gruppe bietet Unternehmern die Möglichkeit, mit Gleichgesinnten zusammen zu arbeiten, um ihre Reichweite und ihr Netzwerk zu verbessern, mehr Geld zu verdienen, mehr Freiheit zu gewinnen und das Leben zu erreichen, von dem sie immer geträumt haben.

Normalerweise kostet die Mastermind mit mir 25.000 Euro im Jahr. Das ist der Preis, wenn ich mit einer kleinen Gruppe bis max. 10 Teilnehmern arbeite.

Gerade jetzt, wo viele Unternehmen in teilweise existenzbedrohenden Schwierigkeiten stecken, wollte ich die perfekte Lösung finden, mit der ich (fast) allen Unternehmern sofort helfen kann. Mein Ziel ist es, die bestmöglichen Ergebnisse für meine Kunden zu erzielen und nicht einfach ein Produkt zu verkaufen, das niemand braucht oder hilft.

The MASTERMIND collective is not for everyone.

The BUSINESS BOOSTER collective is only for you if you are ready to leave your comfort zone, learn new things, fundamentally change your life and achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of.

However, if you think you can achieve new results by doing the same things you’ve always done, and if you continue blaming circumstances for your lack of success, then I’d advise you to stop reading right this second. Even if you were to join the mastermind collective, we would have to remove you from the group pretty quickly, since we need to protect the positive mindet of success-hungry entrepreneurs.

If you are an eagle and not a duck, and if you commit yourself to your success here and now, then I welcome you to the BUSINESS BOOSTER mastermind!

What kind of services does the business booster club offer?

Access to our exclusive and private business booster community. Being a part of this collective will give you the unique opportunity to network with my team of entrepreneurs. I will also have the answers to all the questions – all in the name of helping you succeed.

Access to bi-weekly live calls during which we will answer questions, complete intensive trainings relating to mastermind topics and invite special guests with invaluable expert knowledge.

Access to exclusive interviews with highly successful entrepreneurs, conducted by Nicoletta herself.

Exclusive training videos accessible only to mastermind members – as well as recordings of past sessions.

Daily affirmations … and so much more!

By far the smartest business decision you can make – and it’s only 47 euros.

And if you decide to quit the mastermind collective for any reason whatsoever, you can do so at any time without having to answer any unpleasent questions. There is no risk for you.

During the initial creation and conceptualization of the BUSINESS BOOSTER, I wanted to charge 197€ per month. I think this is very fair price, considering that the training I provide to group members actually costs 25.000 € a year. Sure – it’s not a small group training. But guess what? You can get the exact same results by being part of the BUSINESS BOOSTER club. For this type of service, 197€ is a ’no-brainer‘ for any entrepreneur.

But then I thought about starting out at 97€ per month – to see how it would be received on the market (and especially what entrepreneurs think of it!).

Then the global crisis hit and during countless conversations with entrepreneurs I have realized that many are afraid of undertaking investments and desperately needed any help they could get. I have therefore come to the following decision: I want to help as many entrepreneurs as possible.

So in order to assure the best possible price per month, I did the math for a second time around . Now you have no excuse not to participate. Everyone should get the chance to reach the next level of success and to emerge out of this crisis stronger and better.

I want to help as many entrepreneurs as possible!

I want to help as many entrepreneurs as possible!

During the initial creation and conceptualization of the BUSINESS BOOSTER, I wanted to charge 197€ per month. I think this is very fair price, considering that the training I provide to group members actually costs 25.000 € a year. Sure – it’s not a small group training. But guess what? You can get the exact same results by being part of the BUSINESS BOOSTER club. For this type of service, 197€ is a ’no-brainer‘ for any entrepreneur.

But then I thought about starting out at 97€ per month – to see how it would be received on the market (and especially what entrepreneurs think of it!).

Then the global crisis hit and during countless conversations with entrepreneurs I have realized that many are afraid of undertaking investments and desperately needed any help they could get. I have therefore come to the following decision: I want to help as many entrepreneurs as possible.

So in order to assure the best possible price per month, I did the math for a second time around . Now you have no excuse not to participate. Everyone should get the chance to reach the next level of success and to emerge out of this crisis stronger and better.

what do entrepreneurs say about the business booster club?

With Nicoletta’s guidance I was able to identify weaknesses in my business and double my sales in a very short amount of time.


Bernd König

Personal Trainer

I basically already knew what I needed to know to run a flourishing business. But it was Nicoletta Weinstock’s Business Booster that sparked the idea to really take my business to the next level.


Dr. Wolfhard Brück

Financial managment

After only 4 weeks, I was able to double my previous monthly turnover in just one week! Simply brilliant and soooo easy…!


Sabine Möller

Network Marketing

After 3 years of stagnation in my coaching practice, I was finally able to put my foot down, get going and have my sight set firmly on my next goal. Thank you, Nicoletta!


Sabrina Hans
